Recovery After Stroke podcast
It was pretty nice to be asked to speak with Bill Gasiamis, founder of Recovery After Stroke podcast this week, discussing my stroke.

It was the first time I featured a podcast - my debut - and I was pretty nervous - especially I was speaking ‘off the cuff’ and I had no pre-recorded questions to prepare. It felt like a casual chat and felt more natural versus pre-prepared speech to an audience.
I feel my speech is improving - mainly due to my formal ongoing speech therapy sessions and writing blogs, and trying to speak on the phone more often because every conversation is good therapy and practice. It’s getting out of my comfort zone, and challenging myself.
Ironically, pre-stroke I was a quiet, reserved person but I have an amazing opportunity to change my mindset and to improve more. And more importantly, similar to Bill, we have a good opportunity to share and raise awareness of Stroke.
You're welcome to listen to this podcast here or Bill's website or Apple Podcasts.
All the best