Paul Fink
Dec 16, 2019
Stroke Play
At long last, I returned to the golf course! Disappointingly, I was not picked for the Presidents Cup this weekend, but I played 18 holes...

Paul Fink
Sep 16, 2019
Anxiety, epileptic seizures and travelling
‘One in three people experience depression at some point during the five years after their stroke. Depression and anxiety are very common...

Paul Fink
Aug 13, 2019
I am a straight shooter...
Last week, I tried a new sport - Para-Archery. It was my first time to try archery in my life but always liked to watch it at the...

Paul Fink
Jul 2, 2019
Learning to run (again)
Very weird to say, but my recovery started 18 months before my stroke. Sadly, at 32 years old, I stopped playing cricket and running...

Paul Fink
Mar 22, 2019
Working out at Gelbarts Gym
This video is a snapshot of my exercise routine at Gelbarts Gym. The owner, Dave Gelbart, is a personal trainer, a good friend and a...