Paul Fink
Oct 24, 2016
Everyone has dreams. My dreams are normally weird (in general) and sometimes very vivid and not relevant or no meaning and very random....

Paul Fink
Oct 10, 2016
My presentation - National Stroke Week
I told my story on my stroke to > 100 people at Seek last Friday, part of National Stroke Week. National Stroke Week is the Stroke...

Paul Fink
Sep 25, 2016
Why am I here?
My coma lasted two weeks. I awoke from my coma but I can't remember waking up. I can't recognise my room at intensive care unit (ICU) and...

Paul Fink
Sep 12, 2016
My Stroke - 31 January, 2014
Very difficult writing about my stroke because can't remember 95% what happened. I remember sleeping soundly - Thursday 30 January -...