Paul Fink
May 4, 2023
Head down, bum up...
I am 9 years post stroke and I am still looking for ways to be able to function better so this is a quick life and recovery update.

Paul Fink
Jun 9, 2022
Pushing through the fatigue barrier…
Most stroke survivors experience fatigue in some form. Like many debilitating symptoms of stroke, fatigue is an invisible symptom.

Paul Fink
Nov 8, 2021
Stroke of Luck podcast
Stroke of Luck is a podcast about overcoming adversity, and learning from others about the challenges that life has thrown at them.

Paul Fink
Mar 6, 2019
Taking the leap into public speaking...
If you noticed or not, I recently started posting photos and videos my recovery in my blog and social media. Why? I have embarked on new...

Paul Fink
Feb 19, 2018
Overcoming the fear of speaking
Prior to my stroke, I was reasonably comfortable to talk in groups - it was not my favourite pastime - to be honest - nonetheless did it...