Paul Fink
Mar 22, 2019
Working out at Gelbarts Gym
This video is a snapshot of my exercise routine at Gelbarts Gym. The owner, Dave Gelbart, is a personal trainer, a good friend and a...

Paul Fink
Feb 22, 2019
A question of direction...
It was a beautiful day for riding this week, so I rode my trike to the local velodrome. I can’t use a two-wheel bike yet because my...

Paul Fink
Nov 14, 2017
My journey from wheelchair to walking
I was very active life before my stroke. Growing up, my two older brothers (Steven and Ronnie) were always playing sport mainly...

Paul Fink
Apr 5, 2017
My Angiogram
I had a brain angiogram approximately 10 months after my stroke (11 November 2014). 'I bet lots of people and thinking ‘what is an...

Paul Fink
Nov 26, 2016
My rehabilitation and the importance of goal setting
“I don’t aspire to be president of the United States, I don’t want to be an Olympic gold medal winner, I don’t want to be a major league...