Paul Fink
Sep 6, 2023
Splatt update: Few nervous moments…
The operation was 3 weeks ago and the surgeon was pleased, but it was an interesting week for me. Two things happened that made me nervous.

Paul Fink
Jun 9, 2022
Pushing through the fatigue barrier…
Most stroke survivors experience fatigue in some form. Like many debilitating symptoms of stroke, fatigue is an invisible symptom.

Paul Fink
Jan 29, 2021
Climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Three years ago lots of exciting things happened. My youngest son was born, I started to learn to run again, and, unexpectedly, I was...

Paul Fink
Sep 16, 2019
Anxiety, epileptic seizures and travelling
‘One in three people experience depression at some point during the five years after their stroke. Depression and anxiety are very common...

Paul Fink
Aug 15, 2017
Understanding trauma
My stroke affected lots of people and were traumatised with situation - especially my wife, family and friends. I am very (I mean very,...