Paul Fink
Dec 23, 2017
My Handshake
“A handshake is a short ritual in which two people grasp one of each other's like hands.... Using the right hand is generally considered...

Paul Fink
Nov 14, 2017
My journey from wheelchair to walking
I was very active life before my stroke. Growing up, my two older brothers (Steven and Ronnie) were always playing sport mainly...

Paul Fink
Aug 15, 2017
Understanding trauma
My stroke affected lots of people and were traumatised with situation - especially my wife, family and friends. I am very (I mean very,...

Paul Fink
Apr 5, 2017
My Angiogram
I had a brain angiogram approximately 10 months after my stroke (11 November 2014). 'I bet lots of people and thinking ‘what is an...

Paul Fink
Nov 9, 2016
My time at Caulfield hospital
After my fourth and final brain surgery, I was discharged from the Alfred hospital to Caulfield rehab hospital where I spent a further...