Paul Fink
Sep 12, 2020
Recovery After Stroke podcast
It was pretty nice to be asked to speak with Bill Gasiamis, founder of Recovery After Stroke podcast this week, discussing my stroke. It...

Paul Fink
Mar 6, 2019
Taking the leap into public speaking...
If you noticed or not, I recently started posting photos and videos my recovery in my blog and social media. Why? I have embarked on new...

Paul Fink
Feb 18, 2019
Orthotic interventions in the ABI setting
Last Wednesday, I spoke to final year Prosthetics and Orthotics students from La Trobe University. They were undertaking a Clinical...

Paul Fink
Feb 19, 2018
Overcoming the fear of speaking
Prior to my stroke, I was reasonably comfortable to talk in groups - it was not my favourite pastime - to be honest - nonetheless did it...

Paul Fink
Oct 10, 2016
My presentation - National Stroke Week
I told my story on my stroke to > 100 people at Seek last Friday, part of National Stroke Week. National Stroke Week is the Stroke...