Paul Fink
Nov 8, 2021
Stroke of Luck podcast
Stroke of Luck is a podcast about overcoming adversity, and learning from others about the challenges that life has thrown at them.

Paul Fink
Jan 29, 2021
Climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Three years ago lots of exciting things happened. My youngest son was born, I started to learn to run again, and, unexpectedly, I was...

Paul Fink
Sep 12, 2020
Recovery After Stroke podcast
It was pretty nice to be asked to speak with Bill Gasiamis, founder of Recovery After Stroke podcast this week, discussing my stroke. It...

Paul Fink
Mar 11, 2020
The Survivor Stroke Towel Challenge
I am very excited to take part in the survivor towel challenge for raising money for Stroke Foundation and support stroke research. The...

Paul Fink
Jul 29, 2019
Thank a Paramedic Day 2019
I was so thankful and honored to have been given the opportunity last week to personally thank the paramedics who attended our 000 call...