Handy Hints
More handy hints ideas? Email Paul...
How to do shoelaces with one hand - Part 1
This educational video is all about how to do shoelaces with one hand - Lacing the shoes.
How to do shoelaces with one hand - Part 2
This educational video is all about how to do shoelaces with one hand - Putting the shoes on
How put in a contact lenses with one hand
This educational video is all about how put contact lenses with one hand.
Speech Technology
Speech Technology is always evolving, and it is always new things to helping people difficulty with accessibility and communication. For example: Predicted text, Emojis and GIFs, Microphone, Text to speech, Speech to text (eg Dragon Dictation), Windows Speech Recognition, WordQ , Tactis Therapy, Lingraphica, Reading with McGuffey and lots more).
Apps for smartphones
Smartphones (eg. Apple or android phones) are very useful because the apps so many useful things. For example: public transport, elevate (Brain training) Wordbrain (Brain training) 1 password (securely store passwords) Emergency + (000) Health (store medication, medical history, next of kin etc).

Shoelaces hole
This little hole (similar to a shoehorn but it is worn outside the shoe), so it is handy because sometimes difficult to place in the shoe with one hand. Lots of shoes have it, but also very easy and cheap to make custom made (~ $20 or $30.) I recommend to ask an orthotist or podiatrist to help.

Shoes with support
Shoes with support is very important because lots of people has a weaknesses in the legs. If you wear a AFO or not, it is possible rolled your ankle? Talking your Physio (or shoe shop) and ask: your shoes good or bad? Sturdy? Good grip? Which brand?
Independent Living Centre
My rehab to the exposed lots of gadgets helping people with a disability. I am recommend visiting the Independent Living Centre (closest to you) because device or gadgets is possibly a big difference with your independence. Eg. Kitchen & Household Tasks, Eating & Drinking, Aids for Vision & Hearing, etc. So many options...